Begin Your Wellness Journey Today.

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment

  • Tailored integrative health plan including any or all of the following (as appropriate) - herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, mindfulness exercise, functional testing, lifestyle recommendations, yoga

  • Guidance and support via email

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

Schedule a consultation with Chelsea Gawron, a degree-qualified naturopath

What should I expect in my initial appointment?

Upon booking, you will receive a comprehensive intake form covering details such as medical history, familial health, current medications and supplements, and reasons for seeking naturopathic support. Completing this form thoroughly saves time during the initial appointment and provides your practitioner with a solid foundation to begin assessing your health. Please also include any medical records you're comfortable sharing, including specialist documentation or bloodwork.

During your initial appointment, we will delve deeply into your current health status, exploring details relevant to identifying the root cause and contributing factors of your condition. Depending on complexity, initial appointments typically last 75-90 minutes and include an integrative health plan with a 30-minute appointment booked in the following week.


Natural Medicine New Zealand Honey
  • At Arrowtown Apothecary, our holistic approach involves uncovering the underlying causes of your symptoms and utilizing natural therapies to restore balance. We create a personalized wellness plan tailored to your unique needs, which may include nutritional adjustments, lifestyle modifications, supplementation, and herbal remedies—guided by a blend of evidence-based research and intuition. Depending on your case, specific tests may be recommended to gain further insights into your health status.

  • We prioritize your preferences and well-being, and there's no pressure to pursue any particular testing or treatment option. We believe in a collaborative approach, providing quality information and education for you to make informed decisions about your health throughout your wellness journey with us.

  • In New Zealand, naturopaths cannot diagnose due to the absence of medical qualifications. Diagnosis isn't central to naturopathic principles either, which prioritize addressing root causes over symptomatic treatment. However, naturopaths' understanding of anatomy and physiology enables collaboration with medical doctors, ensuring holistic patient care through comprehensive treatment plans.

Still not sure if natural and integrative medicine is right for you?

Book a complementary 10 minute discovery call to find out how we can support you today.